The Role of Behavior-Driven Testing in Continuous Integration and Delivery

Agile teams can benefit significantly from BDT. Here’s how to begin implementing BDT into your software development process:
Start by involving both technical and non-technical stakeholders in creating test scenarios. This ensures the desired behavior is understood and agreed upon by everyone.
Tools like Cucumber, JBehave, or SpecFlow offer robust BDT solutions that integrate well with automation tools like Selenium or Appium for cross-browser and mobile testing.
Write test cases in natural language using the Given-When-Then format. Ensure these scenarios cover both typical user interactions and edge cases.
Automate BDT test scenarios and integrate them with your CI/CD pipeline to ensure continuous testing throughout the development cycle.
BDT is gaining traction across various industries. Here are some examples:
By bridging the gap between business and technical teams, BDT helps these industries improve product quality while maintaining a fast-paced release schedule.