Getting Agile – Prepare for a Digital Disruption Tomorrow


In today’s business culture, “digital disruption” is a hot-button topic. It typically refers to fluctuations in the marketplace related to ever-shifting trends in technology, but words hardly do the phenomenon justice. Members of technology industries know just how disruptive such trends can be. In this day and age, change is truly the only constant.

A more expansive and accurate definition might be “changes to the value of existing goods and services” or “new cultural and professional behaviors” resulting from advancing digital technologies and business models. But even those somehow fail to capture the full extent of the impact caused by digital disruption and its transformational byproducts.

I won’t dispute the fact that disruption can be alarming. Some reports suggest that only 10% of leaders believe they have the skills within their organizations to support their ambitions within an ever-shifting digital economy. Are you one of them? Or are you part of the vast majority looking for a north star to follow over the seas of change?

If you’re the latter, you can start by shifting your mindset. Change how your organization views digital disruption. Accomplishing that today is the first step toward being prepared for tomorrow.

Disruption Equals Opportunity

When a market is disrupted by a new technology, that usually means the market needed to change. Something was missing or stagnant; otherwise, why would new advancements catch on? And when a market changes, it creates opportunities. Entrenched companies suddenly no longer have the security they once did, and the resulting upheaval creates gaps for innovative businesses to slip in and build themselves up. Doing this, however, requires organizational agility. It requires you to take advantage of those openings by building strategies that embed flexible, innovative thinking within your organization. 

The first step is creating cross-functional collaboration. Encourage the intermingling of ideas across all entities within your organization. Build innovation teams that take individuals from all areas and bring them together, forming groups that are not afraid to fail. Find strategic partnerships with other agile organizations to help you move forward.

How can you ensure this process goes smoothly? Preparation is key: You must ensure your workforce is properly equipped and prepared for digital transformation. 

Taking the Leap Toward Digital Agility

When developing a holistic digital transformation strategy, you must be aware of the skills you have and the skills you are lacking. Once you know this information, partnerships with IT staffing companies like Amzur can help bridge the skill gaps, but Amzur takes it a step further by providing full suites of technology solutions. Take just one example: NetSuite implementation.

If you decide to replace your existing ERP or CRM software with NetSuite, you’ve already taken an important step forward in transforming your digital presence. To achieve this step, our experts conduct workshops to assess your existing systems. Then they prepare and execute a step-by-step implementation plan. After they implement NetSuite, they continue to provide extensive management services to guarantee your new systems are fully operational and functioning exactly as they should.

It sounds so simple, but how does it work? Why is NetSuite so effective?

In short, our consultants have done this hundred of times and know these tools inside and out. When we create and manage a roll-out and training plan for a business, we not only analyze the requirements beforehand, but we also do all the heavy lifting to deliver the configuration of your NetSuite platform. All the pressure is taken off the company’s internal resources, meaning you can keep focusing on staying agile in your marketplace. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how the right partner can help you move forward.

With new partnerships, new systems, and a new mindset in place, your business should be well-positioned to weather any digital storm, be it disruptive or transformative. But, if you still have concerns, I encourage you to contact me directly. I am always available to discuss a variety of topics, from building innovation teams to implementing NetSuite. All you need do is reach out.

About Author

Bala Nemani is the founding partner and CEO of Amzur Technologies. An entrepreneurial spirit, Nemani is an IT solutions and staffing executive with a passion for candidate suitability. His quest to rapidly hire the best technical talent for team members at Amzur and his client’s teams led to the creation of Amzur Talent. Nemani has a passion to deliver qualified, cost-effective, and scalable IT human resources for businesses with tight schedules. Prior to founding Amzur Technologies, he founded Mango Technologies as well as the Solarsa International—a renewable energy firm that provided clients with onsite solar energy systems.

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