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Rapid Application Development


Amzur can help you reduce the development and deployment time for enterprise apps by as much as 10x by combining the benefits of business process automation with a low-code development methodology. Now you can quickly turn ideas into MVPs (minimum viable products), eliminate costly processes, and integrate new features into existing infrastructure. We can help with:

Rapid development of new, cloud-ready enterprise apps

Extend life-cycle of legacy applications, by seamlessly integrating with other apps, cloud services, new age hardware, and so much more


Adapting to business needs is crucial today. Amzur simplifies IT operations, enabling seamless deployment of hyperautomation, modernization, and custom development for growth.


Build new applications that are scalable and secure using full-stack development and reliable expert advice.


Integrate with existing applications and with tools that can build and configure APIs for data management.


Create applications on a flexible architecture so they can easily scale to accommodate future updates.


Use click-and-point and drag-and-drop technology to easily build apps and implement ideas with visual results.

What we do

Rapid application development without the hassle of heavy coding:

Low-code Platform:
We utilize advanced low-code platforms that simplify the app development process, enabling quicker turnaround times.

Visual Design Tools:
We employ intuitive visual design tools to facilitate the creation of user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing applications.

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Case study

Transforming and upgrading a legacy system

A public research university’s Department of Public Health transformed its legacy system with Amzur’s low-code solution, reducing costs and improving efficiency. The new system enabled the program to scale its operations and reach a broader audience.

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Trusted by global companies

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